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April 12, 2006


We've talked about the "where" and "what" with allusions to the "how" and "with whom." But we haven't really gotten to the essence of why we are storming this barn. And so I'll do my best to explain. Briefly. I notice that my entries are somewhat long-winded. And lacking photos. I need to get Robbi to show me how to add the photos.

We are moving to Chestertown because:

-we want Robbi to have the time to establish herself as an illustrator
-we want me to have time to write stories and, eventually, to get into an MFA program
-we want to have time to produce books together
-we want to have time to read all of the back issues of McSweeny's, Believer, and The New Yorker that are waiting on our shelves. And time for other reading: books and blogs
-we want to help Bob and Seiko with things, to make their lives easer
-we want to live closer to Bob and Seiko because it sounds like a nice way to live
-we want to have time to write letters again (I must write to my grandparents, for example)
-we want to get out of the city
-we want to be able to go to Alaska together in the summers and to the Flower Show together in March
-we want to be less stressed out all the time
-we want to be less tired all the time

There are other reasons, of course. There are thousands of reasons why this is the right thing for us to do. But perhaps these are the main ones. Robbi, am I missing anything?

Posted by bogenamp at April 12, 2006 08:11 PM


- we want to take advantage of the accumulation of opportunities life has offered us and live up to our creative and human potential
- we want to live outside of the box (or inside of it, as the case may be)
- we want to finally be able to jump up and down on the bed like we were never allowed to do when we were little and still have bits of the ceiling fall down on mom's and dad's heads

Posted by: ribbu at April 12, 2006 08:45 PM

don't forget the free movies @ wc
i'm considering moving to c-town for those

Posted by: ming at April 21, 2006 12:43 AM