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November 10, 2008

Five Years

Saturday was the five-year anniversary of Robbi's and my wedding day. We might not have remembered the occasion had not my dad called up a few days before to ask what our plans were. Our plans consisted of sitting in our studio waiting for all of humanity to come by to see our books. And come they did. The place was jammed with visitors from 10:00am straight through to 5:00pm. Later that night we handed the child off to Bob and Seiko and went to Andy's, our local pub, to watch a band with our friend Emily (not Piendak).

The band in question, Bombadil, is a Durham, North Carolina-based group of guys who put on a really good show.


They are extremely inventive and energetic performers, fantastic songwriters, and incredibly versatile musicians, continually swapping instruments throughout the show. They all sang. They all played percussion. They rocked out at times, but also knew how to spin a ballad. They wore fantastic hats and weren't afraid to use them. We had a grand time, a fitting beginning to the first day of the second five years of our marriage.

Here is Bombadil's MySpace page if you want to have a listen. You can buy their album on the iTunes store.

We went to bed that night tired and happy and woke Sunday morning to more crowds in the studio. We were pleased enough with the fact that people were buying our books and saying nice things about them, but imagine our delight when none other than Bombadil (all four of them) showed up in our studio for a visit. They had heard about our books, and had come to have a look.

They hung out for a while, generally being awesome and nice, reading our books, and making us feel good about ourselves. I might have been content to merely bask, but could not resist the temptation to suggest that we all play a song together. The very generous fellows of Bombadil were gracious and accommodating. I pulled out my harmonica and we jammed.


It was unquestionably the high point of a very fine weekend. I mean, how often does one have real live rock stars visit one's home?


In parting, it's worth noting that the thing we really like to celebrate on November 8th is that it is also the anniversary of the day that Christian and Emily met and decided that they probably liked each other a whole lot. They did, in fact, stumble upon this conclusion at Robbi's and my wedding. It's like an improbable plot from a bad movie. And yet it's true.


Posted by bogenamp at November 10, 2008 11:06 PM